Writing long running ActionNodes


There are two different types of long running ActionNodes.

First, there are the ActionNodes that require more ticks to complete. In this case typically in the on_tick callback a function (action) is triggered and/or a status in the ‘world’ is checked. However, the execution time of one tick of the on_tick function has to be fast. Otherwise this affects the execution of the careBT execution engine. Thus, this programming model should be used if a function needs to be triggered or a check of a state needs to be executed periodically and the execution time is fast.

Second, there are the ActionNodes that need to call long running asynchronous functions (actions). In this case the node is put into the SUSPENDED state to suppress further calls of the on_tick callback. When initiating the asynchronous action a ‘result’ callback should be registered that can then take over and change the state of the node accordingly. In the following example this asynchronous action is ‘simulated’ with a Python timer.

Create a multi-tick ActionNode

Create a file named longrun_actions.py with following content. Or use the provided file: longrun_actions.py

 1from threading import Timer
 3from carebt import ActionNode
 4from carebt import NodeStatus
 7class AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction(ActionNode):
 8    """The `AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction` example node.
10    The `AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction` demonstrates how it looks like when a
11    `ActionNode` requires more ticks to complete. To make things simple the
12    amount of ticks required to complete the action is provided as input
13    parameter.
15    Input Parameters
16    ----------------
17    ?ticks : int
18        Number of ticks requiered to complete
19    ?x : int
20        The first value
21    ?y : int
22        The second value
24    Output Parameters
25    -----------------
26    ?z : int
27        The sum of ?x and ?y
29    """
31    def __init__(self, bt_runner):
32        super().__init__(bt_runner, '?ticks ?x ?y => ?z')
34    def on_init(self) -> None:
35        self._tick_count = 1
37    def on_tick(self) -> None:
38        if(self._tick_count < self._ticks):
39            print('AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction: (tick_count = '
40                  + f'{self._tick_count}/{self._ticks})')
41            self._tick_count += 1
42            self.set_status(NodeStatus.RUNNING)
43        else:
44            self._z = self._x + self._y
45            print(f'AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction: DONE {self._x} + {self._y} = {self._z}')
46            self.set_status(NodeStatus.SUCCESS)

The code explained

The AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction node is implemented as a Python class which inherits from ActionNode.

class AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction(ActionNode):

The constructor (__init__) of the AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction defines the signature that the node has three input parameters (?ticks ?x ?y) and one output parameter (?z). The input parameter ?ticks is used to specify how many ticks the calculation should take. The remaining parameters are the same as for the AddTwoNumbersAction.

    def __init__(self, bt_runner):
        super().__init__(bt_runner, '?ticks ?x ?y => ?z')

In the on_init function the internal _tick_count variable is initialized to one.

    def on_init(self) -> None:
        self._tick_count = 1

In the on_tick function it is checked whether the internal _tick_count has reached the provided ?tick limit or not. In case the limit is reached the other two input parameters are added, the result is bound to the output parameter and the node is set so SUCCESS. In case the _tick_count limit is not reached a message is printed on standard output. The node remains in status RUNNING and thus, it is ticked again.

    def on_tick(self) -> None:
        if(self._tick_count < self._ticks):
            print('AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction: (tick_count = '
                  + f'{self._tick_count}/{self._ticks})')
            self._tick_count += 1
            self._z = self._x + self._y
            print(f'AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction: DONE {self._x} + {self._y} = {self._z}')

Run the example

Start the Python interpreter and run the AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction node:

>>> import carebt
>>> from carebt.examples.longrun_actions import AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction
>>> bt_runner = carebt.BehaviorTreeRunner()
>>> bt_runner.run(AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction, '1 4 7 => ?result')
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction: DONE 4 + 7 = 11
>>> bt_runner.run(AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction, '5 4 7 => ?result')
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction: (tick_count = 1/5)
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction: (tick_count = 2/5)
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction: (tick_count = 3/5)
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction: (tick_count = 4/5)
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction: DONE 4 + 7 = 11
>>> bt_runner.run(AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction, '9 4 7 => ?result')
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction: (tick_count = 1/9)
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction: (tick_count = 2/9)
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction: (tick_count = 3/9)
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction: (tick_count = 4/9)
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction: (tick_count = 5/9)
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction: (tick_count = 6/9)
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction: (tick_count = 7/9)
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction: (tick_count = 8/9)
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction: DONE 4 + 7 = 11

Create a multi-tick ActionNode with timeout

Add the following content to longrun_actions.py. Or use the provided file: longrun_actions.py

 1class AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout(ActionNode):
 2    """The `AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout` example node.
 4    The `AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout` adds a timeout to the
 5    `AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction`.
 7    Input Parameters
 8    ----------------
 9    ?ticks : int
10        Number of ticks requiered to complete
11    ?x : int
12        The first value
13    ?y : int
14        The second value
16    Output Parameters
17    -----------------
18    ?z : int
19        The sum of ?x and ?y
21    """
23    def __init__(self, bt_runner):
24        super().__init__(bt_runner, '?ticks ?x ?y => ?z')
26    def on_init(self) -> None:
27        self._tick_count = 1
28        # without throttling / with timeout
29        self.set_timeout(500)
30        # with throttling and timeout
31        # self.set_throttle_ms(1000)
32        # self.set_timeout(5000)
34    def on_tick(self) -> None:
35        if(self._tick_count < self._ticks):
36            print('AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout: (tick_count = '
37                  + f'{self._tick_count}/{self._ticks})')
38            self._tick_count += 1
39            self.set_status(NodeStatus.RUNNING)
40        else:
41            self._z = self._x + self._y
42            print('AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout: '
43                  + f'DONE {self._x} + {self._y} = {self._z}')
44            self.set_status(NodeStatus.SUCCESS)
46    def on_timeout(self) -> None:
47        print('AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout: on_timeout')
48        self.abort()
49        self.set_contingency_message('TIMEOUT')
51    def on_abort(self) -> None:
52        print('AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout: on_abort')

The code explained

The AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout introduces a timeout and throttling to the AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction.

In the on_init function the internal _tick_count variable is initialized to one and a timeout is specified for the node which expires after 500 ms. In case the timeout expires the on_timeout callback is called. In the second variant (which is commented out) throttling is set to 1000 ms. This ensures that the ticks of the node are omitted and not forwarded until 1000 ms have passed. Thus, the on_tick function is called each 1000ms. Furthermore the timeout is set to 5000 ms, that the timeout is greater than the throttling.

    def on_init(self) -> None:
        self._tick_count = 1
        # without throttling / with timeout
        # with throttling and timeout
        # self.set_throttle_ms(1000)
        # self.set_timeout(5000)

The on_timeout function is called is case the specified timeout timer expires. In this example, it is implemented that the current node is aborted and the contingency-message is set to ‘TIMEOUT’.

    def on_timeout(self) -> None:
        print('AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout: on_timeout')

The on_abort function is called in case that the node is aborted. This function is the place to do some cleanup which needs to be done in case the ‘running’ actions (resources) are aborted. In this example only a message is printed on standard output.

    def on_abort(self) -> None:
        print('AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout: on_abort')

Run the example

Start the Python interpreter and run the AddTwoNumbersMultiTickAction node:

>>> import carebt
>>> from carebt.examples.longrun_actions import AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout
>>> bt_runner = carebt.BehaviorTreeRunner()
>>> bt_runner.run(AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout, '1 4 7 => ?result')
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout: DONE 4 + 7 = 11
>>> bt_runner.run(AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout, '3 4 7 => ?result')
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout: (tick_count = 1/3)
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout: (tick_count = 2/3)
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout: DONE 4 + 7 = 11
>>> bt_runner.run(AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout, '15 4 7 => ?result')
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout: (tick_count = 1/15)
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout: (tick_count = 2/15)
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout: (tick_count = 3/15)
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout: (tick_count = 4/15)
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout: (tick_count = 5/15)
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout: (tick_count = 6/15)
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout: (tick_count = 7/15)
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout: (tick_count = 8/15)
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout: (tick_count = 9/15)
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout: (tick_count = 10/15)
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout: on_timeout
AddTwoNumbersMultiTickActionWithTimeout: on_abort
2021-12-01 20:29:17 WARN ---------------------------------------------------
2021-12-01 20:29:17 WARN bt execution finished
2021-12-01 20:29:17 WARN status:  NodeStatus.ABORTED
2021-12-01 20:29:17 WARN contingency-message: TIMEOUT
2021-12-01 20:29:17 WARN ---------------------------------------------------


Change the comments to enable throttling and increase the timeout to 5000 ms to also test this feature.

Create an asynchronous ActionNode

Add the following content to longrun_actions.py. Or use the provided file: longrun_actions.py

 1class AddTwoNumbersLongRunningAction(ActionNode):
 2    """The `AddTwoNumbersLongRunningAction` example node.
 4    The `AddTwoNumbersLongRunningAction` demonstrates how it looks like when a
 5    `ActionNode` executes an asynchronous function. To make things simple the
 6    asynchronous function is implemented with a simple Python timer and
 7    the amount of milliseconds the asynchronous function requires to complete
 8    is provided as input parameter.
10    Input Parameters
11    ----------------
12    ?calctime : int (ms)
13        Milliseconds requiered to complete
14    ?x : int
15        The first value
16    ?y : int
17        The second value
19    Output Parameters
20    -----------------
21    ?z : int
22        The sum of ?x and ?y
24    """
26    def __init__(self, bt_runner):
27        super().__init__(bt_runner, '?calctime ?x ?y => ?z')
29    def on_init(self) -> None:
30        print(f'AddTwoNumbersLongRunningAction: calculating {self._calctime} ms ...')
31        self.set_status(NodeStatus.SUSPENDED)
32        Timer(self._calctime / 1000, self.done_callback).start()
34    def on_tick(self) -> None:
35        print('AddTwoNumbersLongRunningAction: on_tick')
37    def done_callback(self) -> None:
38        self._z = self._x + self._y
39        print(f'AddTwoNumbersLongRunningAction: DONE {self._x} + {self._y} = {self._z}')
40        self.set_status(NodeStatus.SUCCESS)

The code explained

In the on_init function the node status is set to SUSPENDED and a Python timer is implemented to ‘simulate’ an asynchronous action. This timer is set to ?calctime and the done_callback is registered which is called as soon as the timer has expired.

    def on_init(self) -> None:
        print(f'AddTwoNumbersLongRunningAction: calculating {self._calctime} ms ...')
        Timer(self._calctime / 1000, self.done_callback).start()

In the on_tick function a print statement is implemented to demonstrate that the on_tick function is never called in this example as the node is directly set to SUSPENDED. The on_tick function could also be removed in this case!

    def on_tick(self) -> None:
        print('AddTwoNumbersLongRunningAction: on_tick')

In the done_callback the calculation is performed, the result is bound to the output parameter and the status of the node is set to SUCCESS.

    def done_callback(self) -> None:
        self._z = self._x + self._y
        print(f'AddTwoNumbersLongRunningAction: DONE {self._x} + {self._y} = {self._z}')

Run the example

Start the Python interpreter and run the AddTwoNumbersLongRunningAction node:

>>> import carebt
>>> from carebt.examples.longrun_actions import AddTwoNumbersLongRunningAction
>>> bt_runner = carebt.BehaviorTreeRunner()
>>> bt_runner.run(AddTwoNumbersLongRunningAction, '2000 4 7 => ?result')
AddTwoNumbersLongRunningAction: calculating 2000 ms ...
AddTwoNumbersLongRunningAction: DONE 4 + 7 = 11