

The following tutorials are a collection of step-by-step instructions meant to learn the usage of careBT. The best way to approach the tutorials is to walk through them in order as they build off from each other.

Get Started

The easiest way to run the examples is to install carebt with pip.

pip install carebt

Then run your python interpreter:

$ python

And then run the examples from the tutorials, as for example, the HelloWorldAction:

>>> import carebt
>>> from carebt.examples.helloworld import HelloWorldAction
>>> bt_runner = carebt.BehaviorTreeRunner()
HelloWorldAction: Hello World !!!

Or import all examples and run the HelloWorldAction:

>>> import carebt
>>> import carebt.examples
>>> bt_runner = carebt.BehaviorTreeRunner()
HelloWorldAction: Hello World !!!


If creating a own Python package for the tutorial, the import statements for the examples need to be adjusted. E.g. from helloworld import HelloWorldAction in case of starting the Python interpreter directly from the source folder. But that depends on the used package structure.