careBT nodes

The class diagram below shows the careBT nodes and how they inherit from each other.

digraph foo {

   TreeNode [shape=box, color="grey", fontcolor="grey", label="TreeNode"];
   ActionNode [shape=box, label="ActionNode"];
   ControlNode [shape=box, color="grey", fontcolor="grey", label="ControlNode"];

   FallbackNode [shape=box, label="FallbackNode"];
   SequenceNode [shape=box, label="SequenceNode"];
   ParallelNode [shape=box, label="ParallelNode"];
   RateControlNode [shape=box, label="RateControlNode"];

   TreeNode -> ActionNode [arrowtail = onormal, dir = back];
   TreeNode -> ControlNode [arrowtail = onormal, dir = back, color="grey"];
   ControlNode -> FallbackNode [arrowtail = onormal, dir = back];
   ControlNode -> SequenceNode [arrowtail = onormal, dir = back];
   ControlNode -> ParallelNode [arrowtail = onormal, dir = back];
   ControlNode -> RateControlNode [arrowtail = onormal, dir = back];

The grey nodes are internal nodes only. The black ones are intended to be used to create own custom nodes.